Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Get With It

So every so often I linger back to this old blog of mine and read the old stuff. I'm not embarrassed to say I crack myself up. Especially my entry on going to the grocery store without a pen. That was an adventure I'm proud to say I have not repeated since. It's been a long time since I've written an entry yet there have been plenty of opportunities to share my nutso stories that you can probably relate to. I'm getting with the times and finally figuring out how to link up blog with facebook with twitter with the toilet seat handle and the garage door opener. If I can sync them together, I think I'll save a lot more time.
My current status in life is married with two boys - 8 and 4. What an adventure. I am happy to say that the family has agreed on a having a girl soon. We just have to search the internet, find one that needs a home, build a fence and we're set! Wait, maybe the fence should come first.
Hopefully I'm back for a while. The creative juices have always been flowing, it's just time to look behind the old marinades and condiments, pull the juice out, check the expiration date, and pour the juice out. The great part is that, even if the juice is old, I can pour it on the page and it's still relevant. Just watch for chunks!

Love Marthaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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